This is just a website dedicated to players whom might need a launcher to fly to another world and have some fun. Nothing more nothing less. Thank you for visiting.

I know i know. No one wants ads on the website and you’re free to use adblock, but it’s a way to keep the website alive. If you’re wondering ads are from Google and there are no ads on download links.

Yes, all ads on this website are safe to use and won’t harm your PC in any way. Sometimes Windows defender might detect .jar files as unsafe but this is duo conversion process.

Yes. Users can join multiplayer servers if they have the correct account for them. You can only join premium servers with a premium account tho. So if connections times out, you’re probably trying to join the premium server.

For LAN players, the launcher will work fine if everything is set correctly.

If you’re working on a custom launcher or have an amazing website you would like to share with others, feel free to contact us and we might include it our website.